1.1. satchless.item — abstract priceables

1.1.1. Available Types

All of the following types are abstract and meant to be subclassed to implement their missing methods.


Implementations provided by Satchless expect to work with price objects as implemented by the prices library.

class satchless.item.Item

A priceable item. Usually a single product or a single product variant.

class satchless.item.ItemRange

A range of priceables that vary in price. An example is a product with multiple variants.

class satchless.item.ItemLine

A certain amount of an Item. Contains a priceable and its quantity. An example is a cart line.

class satchless.item.ItemSet

A collection of ItemLine objects that have a total price. Examples include a bundle, an order or a shopping cart.

class satchless.item.ItemList

An ItemSet that subclasses the Python list.

class satchless.item.Partitioner

An object capable of partitioning an ItemSet into multiple sets for purposes such as split delivery.

class satchless.item.ClassifyingPartitioner

A Partitioner that automatically splits based on a classifying function.

class satchless.item.StockedItem

A stocked Item. Introduces the concept of stock quantities.

class satchless.item.InsufficientStock

Exception class that is raised by StockedItem when trying to exceed the stock quantity.

1.1.2. Available functions

satchless.item.partition(subject, keyfunc[, partition_class=ItemList])

Returns a Partitioner objects that splits subject based on the result of keyfunc(item).

1.1.3. Item Objects

class satchless.item.Item

An Item instance represents a priceable item.

Instance methods:


Returns a prices.Price object representing the price of the priceable.

The default implementation passes all keyword arguments to get_price_per_item(). Override to implement discounts and such.

For subclassing:


Returns a prices.Price object representing the price for a single piece of the priceable.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.

Example use:

>>> import prices
>>> from satchless.item import Item
>>> class Coconut(Item):
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return prices.Price(10, currency='USD')
>>> coconut = Coconut()
>>> coconut.get_price()
Price('10', currency='USD')

1.1.4. ItemRange Objects

class satchless.item.ItemRange

An ItemRange instance represents a range of priceables.

Instance methods:


Returns an iterator yielding priceable objects that implement a get_price() method.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.


Returns a prices.PriceRange object representing the price range of the priceables included in the range object. Keyword arguments are passed to get_price_per_item().

Calling this method on an empty range will raise an AttributeError exception.

For subclassing:

ItemRange.get_price_per_item(item, **kwargs)

Return a prices.Price object representing the price of a given item.

The default implementation will pass all keyword arguments to item.get_price(). Override to implement discounts or caching.

Example use:

>>> import prices
>>> from satchless.item import Item, ItemRange
>>> class SpanishInquisition(Item):
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return prices.Price(50, currency='BTC')
>>> class LaVache(Item):
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return prices.Price(15, currency='BTC')
>>> class ThingsNobodyExpects(ItemRange):
...     def __iter__(self):
...         yield SpanishInquisition()
...         yield LaVache()
>>> tne = ThingsNobodyExpects()
>>> tne.get_price_range()
PriceRange(Price('15', currency='BTC'), Price('50', currency='BTC'))

1.1.5. ItemLine Objects

class satchless.item.ItemLine

An ItemLine instance represents a certain quantity of a particular priceable.

Instance methods:


Return a prices.Price object representing the total price of the line. Keyword arguments are passed to both get_quantity() and get_price_per_item().

For subclassing:


Returns an int or a decimal.Decimal representing the quantity of the item.

The default implementation will ignore all keyword arguments and always return 1.


Returns a prices.Price object representing the price of a single piece of the item.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.

Example use:

>>> import prices
>>> from satchless.item import ItemLine
>>> class Shrubberies(ItemLine):
...     def __init__(self, qty): self.qty = qty
...     def get_quantity(self): return self.qty
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return prices.Price(11, currency='GBP')
>>> shrubberies = Shrubberies(7)
>>> shrubberies.get_total()
Price('77', currency='GBP')

1.1.6. ItemSet Objects

class satchless.item.ItemSet

An ItemSet instance represents a set of ItemLine or other ItemSet objects that has a total price.

Instance methods:


Returns an iterator yielding objects that implement a get_total() method. Good candidates include instances of ItemLine and ItemSet itself.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.


Return a prices.Price object representing the total price of the set. Keyword arguments are passed to get_subtotal().

Calling this method on an empty set will raise an AttributeError exception.

For subclassing:

ItemSet.get_subtotal(item, **kwargs)

Returns a prices.Price object representing the total price of item.

The default implementation will pass keyword arguments to item.get_total(). Override to implement discounts or caching.

Example use:

>>> import prices
>>> from satchless.item import Item, ItemLine, ItemSet
>>> class Product(Item):
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return prices.Price(10, currency='EUR')
>>> class CartLine(ItemLine):
...     def __init__(self, product, qty): self.product, self.qty = product, qty
...     def get_price_per_item(self): return self.product.get_price()
...     def get_quantity(self): return self.qty
>>> class Cart(ItemSet):
...     def __iter__(self):
...         yield CartLine(Product(), 5)
>>> cart = Cart()
>>> cart.get_total()
Price('50', currency='EUR')

1.1.7. Partitioner Objects

class satchless.item.Partitioner(subject)

A Partitioner instance is an iterable view of the subject that partitions it for purposes such as split delivery.

Instance methods:


Returns an iterator that yields ItemSet objects representing partitions of self.subject.

The default implementation will yield a single ItemList containing all the elements of self.subject. Override to implement your partitioning scheme.

Example use:

>>> from satchless.item import ItemList, Partitioner
>>> class EvenOddSplitter(Partitioner):
...     def __iter__(self):
...         yield ItemList(it for n, it in enumerate(self.subject) if not n % 2)
...         yield ItemList(it for n, it in enumerate(self.subject) if n % 2)
>>> splitter = EvenOddSplitter(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'])
>>> list(splitter)
[ItemList(['a', 'c', 'e']), ItemList(['b', 'd', 'f'])]

A more advanced example could split an imaginary cart object into groups of objects that can be delivered together:

from satchless.item import ItemList, Partitioner

class DeliveryPartitioner(Partitioner):

    def __iter__(self):
        Yield single-product groups for products that need to be shipped
        separately. Yield a separate group for digital products if present.
        Everything else can be shipped together.
        digital = []
        remaining = []
        for it in self.subject:
            if it.ship_separately:
                yield ItemList([it])
            elif it.is_digital:
        if digital:
            yield ItemList(digital)
        if remaining:
            yield ItemList(remaining)

1.1.8. ClassifyingPartitioner Objects

class satchless.item.ClassifyingPartitioner(subject)

A Partitioner subclass that splits the subject into groups based on the result of the classifying method.

Instance methods:


Returns a classification key that groups together items that are meant for the same group.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.

Example use:

>>> from satchless.item import ItemList, ClassifyingPartitioner
>>> class ClassNameSplitter(ClassifyingPartitioner):
...     def classify(self, item):
...         return type(item).__name__
>>> splitter = ClassNameSplitter(['a', 'b', 1, ['one'], 2, ['two']])
>>> list(splitter)
[ItemList([1, 2]), ItemList([['one'], ['two']]), ItemList(['a', 'b'])]

1.1.9. StockedItem Objects

class satchless.item.StockedItem

A StockedItem object is subclass of Item that allows you to track stock quantities and guard against excess allocation.

Instance methods:


Returns the current stock quantity of the item.

The default implementation will raise a NotImplementedError exception.


Makes sure that at least quantity of the object are in stock by comparing the value with the result of self.get_stock(). If there is not enough, an InsufficientStock exception will be raised.

Example use:

>>> from satchless.item import InsufficientStock, StockedItem
>>> class LimitedShrubbery(StockedItem):
...     def get_stock(self):
...         return 1
>>> shrubbery = LimitedShrubbery()
>>> try:
...     shrubbery.check_quantity(2)
... except InsufficientStock as e:
...     print('only %d remaining!' % (e.item.get_stock(),))
only 1 remaining!

1.1.10. InsufficientStock Exception

class satchless.item.InsufficientStock(item)

Informs you that a stock quantity check failed against item. Raised by StockedItem.check_quantity().